For The Care of Her Twins, Beyoncé and JayZ Employed a Whopping 6 Nannies

Sources shared with OK! magazine, Beyonce hired 6 nannies to help her take care of her 6-week-old twins. Each nanny is paid 100,000 USD a year (nearly 2.3 billion VND). Beyonce and her two babies Sir Carter – Rumi Carter.




“The two newborns don’t sleep the same way, so Beyonce decided to hire 3 nannies for each baby. They take turns staying awake for 8 hours at night,” the source said. Beyonce and Jay Z also have two nannies to take care of their 5-year-old daughter Blue Ivy. Beyonce gave birth to a boy and a girl by cesarean section early on the morning of June 13 at a hospital in Los Angeles. The doctor who delivered her, Dr Paul Crane, is also the person who helped Kim Kardashian give birth twice.




The twins received special care at the hospital for about 10 days before going home. The splendid villa where Beyonce and Jay Z and their three children live. Jay Z rented a super luxury villa in the coastal city of Malibu as his new residence after his twins were born. This sparkling villa has a rental price of 400,000 USD per month (9 billion VND). The Beyonce-Jay Z family will stay here until they buy a satisfactory house in Los Angeles.