Nicki Minaj was once proposed to by Drake
Lyrics from Drizzy’s debut album ‘Thank Me Later’ got everyone talking. “I love Nicki Minaj/ I told her I’d admit it/ I hope one day we get married just to sаy we f***ing did it/ And girl I’m f***ing serious/ I’m with it if you with it/ Cause your verses turn me on and your pants are mighty fitted” . That starts dating rumors.
Nicki Minaj and Drake’s 2010 raunchy performance sparked relationship rumors.
Before ‘Anaconda’ lap dances, Nicki Minaj brought Drake on stage for her Hоt 97 Thanksgiving Thank You Concert in 2010. The two kissed at the end of the song, but Nicki told the audience, “I still got my lipstick on!” Please don’t start anything, New York.”
: “I’ve always really, actually, really had a crush on her” .
MTV2’s Sucker Free Countdown interviewed Drake and Nicki about the romance rumors. “I saw Nicki for the first time and, like, literally fell in love” Drizzy. “I’ve always really, actually, really had a crush on her, always really loved her, and she’s always just looked at me as, like, her little brother.” Poor Drake.

They married on Twitter a year later!
Drake shocked Twitter followers with his tweet: “Refer to @nickiminaj as Mrs. Aubrey Drake Graham and don’t look. My girl is finally mine.” The new Mrs. Drizzy retweeted the surprise and said, “Yes. Drake and I married.”
In a wedding-themed video for Nicki’s 2010 album ‘Moment 4 Life’, Drake rapped “Me and Nicki getting married today”. In an MTV interview Nicki remarked “Obviously, Drake and I, we’ve played around so much with the whole marriage thing and stuff like that, so people have come to be kind of intrigued about us” . Drake added: “Man, I adore her. I won’t lie. I don’t want to reveаl the twist or premise”.
Drake told The Daily Beast, “If there’s any woman in my life that’s the ideal woman for me, it’s definitely Nicki”. “I prefer stripped-down Nicki. I enjoy Nicki in a recording booth with minimal makeup, black hair, and casual clothes rapping a great verse. Sеxy to me. I know some great wоme𝚗, but Nicki is someone I could spend my life with because we understand each other.”
Drake addressed their’marriage’ tweets that month.
Drake repeated his statement when Elle asked about the tweets. It’s unclear if we pretended. Marry Nicki. I think Nicki would be the only one who would understand and love me after this.”
Uh oh. Drizzy and Nicki had issues in paradise.
‘Tuscan Leather’ from Drake’s 2013 ‘Nothing Was The Same’ album showed that the two buddies had a strong relationship. “I gotta stay with the family,” Drake sings. Communication is broken / I dropped the ball on some personal sh*t, I need to embrace it / I’m honest. My mistakes. The second to confess it, I think I need her to check me while I’m trippin’.”