Travis Scott says that he plans to go to Harvard to study architectural design once he finishes his tour

Travis Scott possesses ambitious intentions for the period following the conclusion of his Circus Maximus Tour.

La Flame stated in an interview with Chris Heath for GQ that he intends to devote a portion of his attention away from music and toward the study of architecture. “I’m attending Harvard for architecture school,” he declared, adding that he has conducted admissions process research and paid a few campus visits in advance. “I must exert considerable effort in order to gain entry. “I am not permitted to take any shortcuts.”

When asked when he intends to begin his studies, he responded that he will begin his architectural studies in January of the following year, following the conclusion of the Circus Maximus Tour in support of Utopia. “Well, after completing this album, I resolved to enter the field. “Consequently, following the tour,” he elaborated, adding that he was extremely serious. He affirmed that he will be pursuing architecture full-time and added that he is willing to relocate to Boston in order to do so. “It’d probably be like four years,” he commented. “I’m still going to make music, of course.”

Scott further stated that this has been an objective of his for a considerable period of time. He stated, “I’ve always been interested in structural design and engineering, as well as attempting to construct a variety of objects.” “It is fascinating to observe the structural functionality of peculiarly shaped objects after considering their unusual forms. Furthermore, I consistently strive to be the epitome of problem-solving. I find much to be intriguing. Presently, I am engaged in rehearsals where I consistently pose inquiries pertaining to structural aspects, staging, and the construction process itself.

He stated elsewhere in the interview that during his youth he desired to become a nephrologist. He told the story of attending a friend’s birthday party when he was in the third or fourth grade and being astounded by how “crazy” the home was. “I have never before observed a bassinet similar to this. “OD was the cause,” he clarified. His father worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Furthermore, I recall that his uncle was present at our residence when I inquired of him, “What do you do?” He then responded, “I am a nephrologist.” When he described it to me, I exclaimed, “You know, it’s insane!” I thought, “Certainly, I want to be that.”