Snoop Dogg Declares He’s Quitting Smoking in Latest Instagram Post

Snoop Dogg has amassed an extensive discography during his several decades in the public sphere. On account of his inclination to appear virtually anywhere and attempt anything, he has been spotted engaging in a wide range of activities in various locations. However, perhaps his most recognizable accomplishment is being among the largest stoners in the entire globe. However, after decades of cultivating and preserving that reputation, he might be considering putting it to rest.

Snoop Dogg shared an Instagram post earlier today that many individuals never expected to see. He added the caption “I’m giving up smoking” to the image, which was elaborated upon within the image. “After extensive deliberation and discussion with my family, I have reached the decision to cease smoking. “Please observe my privacy while I am away,” is written in text above the image. It is a relatively brief statement that provides little explanation as to why. However, that is most likely the reason why there has been so much fan debate in the comments. Below you will find the post in question as well as some responses to it.

Numerous admirers speculate in the comments section that the post may be a form of marketing or humor. “Lies, but if you have any leftover cannabis, I’ll take it off your hands,” and “Should the date of this April Fools’ Day be changed to November?” were two of the most popular comments. Others believe he might be transitioning to an entirely different type of high. “Gummy bears instead?” and “Perhaps edibles, but that’s a wild way she goes,” two additional prominent comments speculate.Amidst the past week, Snoop and T-Pain collaborated on an enjoyable new single titled “That’s How We Ballin.” Although the two have met a few times in the past, it was primarily for the purpose of remixing the compositions of other artists. It is among the numerous tracks on which Snoop has appeared in 2023, as he maintains an active schedule across multiple platforms. Do you believe that Snoop Dogg has quit smoking permanently? Inform us in the section marked “Comments” below.